Now Offering -

Online Mentoring Sessions

‘Use your passion to make an impact’

I’m going to be real with you. Starting a new photography business (or any business for that matter) can be bloody hard in this day and age! You may feel alone, overwhelmed and needing a starting point or a clear direction to focus your energy to. Trust me, I get it!

I started my photography business 10 years ago from scratch. No marketing experience, no business experience, just a genuine passion and a go getter attitude that’s now amassed into my wildest dreams. I’m at a point in my career where I want to give back. I want to help you. I want to share my knowledge and help guide and give you clarity. I didn’t do things ‘by the book’ - I paved my own way and now I want to help guide you to do the same.

I’m tailoring these sessions to you. Whether you’re a complete beginner, or you’re trying to expand your business, we will work through it all together. My mentoring is open to anyone who is seeking guidance in Photography, Business or Mindset! My approach is completely authentic, real, raw and vulnerable. We’ll get to the crux of what’s holding you back, what you want to work on, and unblock those limiting beliefs that are stopping you from truly flourishing!

This mentoring is for you if:

  • You need help paving a clear path of actions to get your business off the ground

  • You need help with the right settings to shoot in all different settings

  • You need a social media and marketing strategy that’s going to help launch your career

  • You are needing help to figure out systems for the backend of your business

  • You need some motivation and inspiration on your journey

  • You’re stuck in a rut and feel you want a shift in mindset

  • You need a portfolio review of your Instagram and website

  • You want guidance on how to price your work

  • You want a strategy on how to reach out to brands and pitch your big ideas

  • You simply want to be inspired!

How it will work…

I’m offering one off single sessions or a package of 3 x 1hr online sessions. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll fill out an form that details what you’re keen to work on and I’ll create tailored sessions to help you.

If you purchase the package of 3 sessions, you can book these in yourself through the calander. Spots have opened up for June/July mentoring!

We will be able to schedule the sessions anywhere within a 6-8 week period (or even longer if you need, there is not set time frame here!) offering flexibility to work with your schedule!

2 options

Now taking bookings for June/July 2024


single 1HR

One-off session


What you’ll get…

  • A quick questionnaire prior to your session to work out the main areas you would like to cover in our session.

  • 1hr friendly online Google Meet session to help guide, inspire and give you clarity on where you’re headed!

  • Ask away any questions in this 1 hour online session, good for those not wanting full mentoring but have a list of questions and queries they’d like advice on!

3 x 1hr SESSION



What you’ll get…

  • A quick questionnaire prior to your session to work out the main areas you would like to cover in our session. I’lI then curate a plan for our sessions based on this!

  • 3 x 1hr friendly, relaxed and in depth online Google Meet sessions to help guide, inspire and give you clarity on where you’re headed!

  • Whatsapp access to message + voice memo any questions in between sessions

  • After the last session, you will receive a summary of all points covered and an action plan for your next steps!

  • A saving of $94